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Polisario, MNLA, Libyan Green Resistance, Mali and North Africa need to plan for unity

lundi 2 avril 2012 (Date de rédaction antérieure : 1 av. J.C.).…

by Larry Jones, 30/3/2012, LibyanFreePress

The Polisario, the MNLA (Tuareg), the Libyans of the Green Resistance, and Africans in North Africa, of whatever persuasion or country (including Mali) need to QUICKLY begin to work out a plan for unity. If the MNLA succeedes in carving out Azawad, the history of the struggle to do that must be put aside, and then Azawad and Mali must WORK TOGETHER, along with the Polisario, the Green Resistance, and every other entity in North Africa. It HAS to happen, and here’s why.

There are three groups that are eyeing Africa for its abundant resources : Europeans & Americans ; Arabs ; and Israelis. When it comes to Africa, those three groups WORK TOGETHER. Do not believe otherwise.

The Saudis and Gulf Arabs know that it has now been discovered that Africa has MORE oil than the Gulf Arab states. And it has more precious and needed minerals than any continent on earth.

So, the battle for now and into the distant future is the battle for Africa. And THIS is what Brother Leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was trying to tell ALL of Africa. Unfortunately–as Muammar Gaddafi himself stated–the Libyans were not sophisticated enough to understand this fully, and he expressed sadness that they never really fully understood the principles in the Green Book.

I’m an outsider. But there is a saying : “Sometimes the man sitting in the bleachers, who is watching the game being played on the field, can see the game BETTER than the people who are playing the game.”

Now, I’m not saying that I can see this issue better than North Africans. But, I CAN see it. And North Africa, including those states that prefer to be friendly to Europe and America, had better wake up–AND FAST–to unify.

Unless North Africa unifies, then Europe & America ; the Gulf Arabs, and Israel are going to be working hard to DE-STABALIZE North Africa and the rest of the African continent.

I have a personal belief that the unity of Africa must start with the unity of North Africa. Maybe it will happen in some other way. But there is the strategic Mediterranean Sea. There is a desert culture that can be takien advantage of in good ways.

Africa must unite. If it doesn’t, then Europe & America ; the Gulf Arabs, and the Israelis are going to pick Africa apart.

North Africa has a duty to protect and unify the continent. That is just my opinion.

Allah, Muammar, Africa wa bas !!

Larry Jones

30 Mar 2012, for LibyanFreePressNetwork

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