Accueil du site > Comment publier un article > Femmes - Du peintre Syrien A’yech Thaymer

Femmes - Du peintre Syrien A’yech Thaymer

lundi 10 juin 2013, par anonyme (Date de rédaction antérieure : 10 juin 2013).


dimanche 9 juin 2013, par La Rédaction d’Assawra

Du peintre Syrien A’yech Thaymer.

1 Message

  • Femmes - Du peintre Syrien A’yech Thaymer 17 mai 2016 19:39, par Mrs. Nikita

    Dear Mr. A’yech Thaymer,

    I was browsing the internet, very much interested in discovering artists from other countries around the world when I discovered your painting entitled "Women" (Femmes). I liked it very much, could you please tell me its dimensions, what technique you used, I would like to buy it, could you kindly inform me for a reasonable price, if it’s not already sold. Could you be so kind as to write me a contact number where I could reach you (telephone number, e-mail address).
    Looping forward to receiving your news,
    I send my best regards,

    Mrs. Nikita

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